Some running ‘session’ terminology explained

Whether you’re new to running or a more seasoned runner, the idea of running sessions and the terminology around these can be a little alien and often somewhat confusing. From tempo runs to strides, to base runs to jeffing- there is a lot of jargon out there and navigating through it is sometimes a little baffling. There is nothing scary about ‘sessions’ and they aren’t something reserved for elite or ‘fast’ runners, we can all do them and we can all benefit from them- they are simply a way of categorising runs within your training based on their purpose, intensity or duration. One of the biggest advantages of doing different running sessions is the variety it can bring to your running. This in turn helps you develop as a runner, strengthens your cardiovascular system and muscles, avoids repetition- which can keep boredom and injuries at bay and gives you a chance to find what aspects of running you enjoy. Whether you do or don’t embrace a variety of running techniques, it doesn’t determine your ‘worth’ as a runner- remember we are all runners no matter how far or fast. But if you’re curious, read on- at least then you’ll be able to hear the word fartlek and not uncontrollably laugh. … More Some running ‘session’ terminology explained